Are you craving help to feel more confident using the FREE Google apps everyone else seems to have figured out? They can be used on most types of phones, tablets, and computers.

This course is just what you’ve been looking for!

Learn to:

>> Snooze emails, use labels, and get off subscription lists to minimize the clutter and conquer email overwhelm.

>> Color code and use different view options with Google’s Calendar(s), Tasks, and Keep to help you stay on track and get better organized. Reduce stress, learn to strategize and prioritize your to-do list, and figure out a system that works for you to be more productive.

>>“Bookmark” websites for easy access and sign into Chrome to use all your Google apps from any device.

>>Use Google Meet, a free way to video chat with people who use all types of phones, tablets, and computers.

>>Access important documents in Google Drive from any device any time. Organize, store, and edit files online or offline. There’s even a way to safeguard important family medical documents.

>>Use voice typing in Google Docs if speaking is easier than typing.

>>Create online digital photo albums that you can easily share with others, search for specific people or places, and find images to share within seconds.

Joan Green

My passion is to help people of all ages and abilities to increase independence, productivity, and connection. So many of us need help to leverage tech's benefits, but it's hard to know where to get it. That's why I created this course!

I believe in empowering others through affordable, cutting-edge technologies that many of us already have in our homes, schools, and workplaces.

It makes my day when I see that lightbulb moment in someone's eyes when they realize that just a few small changes can help overcome challenges!

Take advantage of the strategies and skills I’ve developed as an online tech coach, licensed and certified speech-language pathologist, and assistive technology specialist. I’m also the mother of four adults and am very involved in elder care. I know what it’s like to be pulled in multiple directions simultaneously and short on time. My mission is to help you overcome barriers to success and reduce stress!

Google now offers many free customizable tools beyond searching for information online. The problem is most people don’t realize these resources exist, especially those who need them the most!

I’ve structured this updated course so you choose to learn in a variety of different ways. Are you someone who likes to read the information? Prefer to watch videos? Want to interact with others online? Desire 1:1 help? Do you want to print out a short reference guide? We’ve got all that covered!

Each chapter has material for beginners as well as more advanced Google users. There will be opportunities to read new information and watch videos.

This is a unique opportunity to finally figure out a system that works for you!

Want to learn with a group of friends or multiple family members? Fantastic! Send me an email at for group rates for 4 or more.

Get Going with Google in 2024!

Gain the confidence and competence you need in this updated signature course!

Learn to use free Google apps to Improve Organization, Productivity, Learning, Memory and Communication.

Get the friendly, easy-to-follow help you need and uncover hidden gems in Google apps

This course will introduce you to Google Keep, Google Calendar, Google Tasks, personal Gmail, Google Maps, Google Chrome, Google Docs, Google Drive, Google Photos, Google Lens, and Google Meet.

Helpful digital downloads are included in many chapters for future reference.

A Certificate of completion is available upon request when you’ve completed the course!

This course if for you if:

>>You could use help figuring out how to sign into Chrome on a computer.

>>You are a “digital immigrant” trying to become more tech-savvy.

>>You are trying to help a student or older adult get more benefit from their personal devices.

>>You are eager to be shown how to stay organized in order to keep up with everything you need to do.

>>You realize that you need someone else to streamline this process for you. It’s just too overwhelming and frustrating to move forward alone and you are motivated to invest your time and money to get the results you want.

By the end of this course, you'll have...

  • More TIME to do the things you enjoy!
  • Less stress in your life.
  • A system unique to your needs to help you overcome obstacles.
  • More confidence and competence using your devices.
  • Resources to help you keep learning!

Frequently Asked Questions


What resources do I need ?

You need a fast reliable internet connection to access this course and time to read new content, watch videos and practice using the apps.

It's great if you can find a computer buddy to take the course with you, but it's not a requirement.


When are the live sessions ?

Live Q & A and discussion Zoom sessions are offered once a month and will rotate between afternoons and evenings depending on participants requests.

A discount is available for 1:1 sessions with Joan. If interested, email for more information.

Calendar icon

What if I fall behind?

No worries there! Course content will be available for at least 4 months from the time you register for the course. It's a self-paced experience so the schedule is up to you!

Comments from past participants...

“I’m so glad I took this course! It’s been more informative than I imagined and upped my productivity immensely!” S.L.

“I’m long retired and really appreciate the satisfying information you provide in such an effective and non-threatening way. You are a gem to provide as you do! “L. L.

As I took your course, it was like a light switch was flicked. I’ve learned how to use Google apps and help my son so much better with the accessibility features you highlighted to assist with reading and writing. It made all the difference for him! ” J.P.

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